Dealing with unexpected failures is one of the hardest
problems to solve, especially in a distributed system.
A microservice needs to be resilient to failures, which means
that it needs to be able to restart when a failure happens.
In the microservice environment there are a lot of
communication between services and sometimes a service may not be responding,
which can be a problem to the services that are trying to communicate with the
non-responsive service.
Let`s see how to implement two design patters that can help
us to make a Microservice Resilient.
Exponential Back off Pattern
Sometimes non-responsive Microservices are transient and they
get fixed after a short delay.
There are several problems that can cause a Microservice to
stop responding, for example: Network issues, timeout…
When it happens all we have to do is wait a little bit and
try to call it again.
The Exponential Back off Pattern will help us achieve that,
every time that an api call fails the pattern will exponentially wait and try
Let`s suppose that a call to an api failed for the first
time, the system will wait 2 seconds (2s pow 1) and try again;
If it fails again it will wait 4 seconds (2s pow 2);
If it fails again it will wait 8 seconds (2s pow 3);
The formula is pretty simple:
Time = Seconds pow Number of Attempt.
Why should we wait exponentially?
If a Microservice is too busy handling too many requests,
send more requests won`t help at all.
Waiting exponentially will help preventing socket exhaustion.
Should keep trying to call the Microservice
No, we try a couple of times and if it still doesn`t work then
the application should handle the error.
Circuit Breaker Pattern
When the error is not transient and it`s not gonna get fixed
anytime soon we need to immediately fail all the api calls to that service and
return an error warning that it`s not available.
This pattern will prevent the system do make more requests
to a non-responsive Microservice to avoid socket exhaustion and give a break to
the Microservice that is non-responsive.
This pattern will open a Circuit for a certain amount of
time and any call to the non-responsive Microservice while the circuit is open
will automatically return an error.
Implementing the Patterns
Create an ASP.NET Core Web Application
Change the framework version to 3.0
Install the package Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Polly
Create an interface that will represent the HttpClient class that will make
calls to other service.
namespace MicroservicePatterns
public interface IExampleClient
Task<string> GetCountryName(string countryCode);
Create a class that will implement the interface
namespace MicroservicePatterns
public class ExampleClient : IExampleClient
private readonly HttpClient client;
public ExampleClient(HttpClient client)
this.client = client;
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://microservice-url/api/Country");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("content-type", "application/json");
public async Task<string> GetCountryName(string countryCode)
var response = await
var responseData = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
return responseData;
Note that we are not
creating new instances of the HttpClient class, it will be created by the
HttpClientFactory and injected to our class.
Let`s setup the HttpClientFactory in the startup class.
public void
ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddHttpClient<IExampleClient, ExampleClient>();
This will ensure that
the HttpClient will be created by the .net core framework and injected into our
In order to make the
patterns work we need to use let the framework manage the instances for, never
create an instance of the HttpClient class manually.
Let`s create the implementation of the Exponential Back off pattern
In the startup class create the method:
private IAsyncPolicy<HttpResponseMessage> GetRetryPolicy()
return HttpPolicyExtensions.HandleTransientHttpError().OrResult(msg
=> msg.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
3, retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt)));
When we implement the back off pattern using Polly we need
to filter the status codes that we are going to apply the pattern.
In the example above everytime the application get a
NotFound status code as result of a call a new attempt will be made.
The max number of attempts is set to 3 and for each attempt
we are waiting exponentially, in the example we are doing 2 seconds pow
Let`s create the implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern
private IAsyncPolicy<HttpResponseMessage> GetCicuitBreaker()
return HttpPolicyExtensions.HandleTransientHttpError().CircuitBreakerAsync(3,
In the example above we created a policy to open a circuit
that will automatically fails all the requests during 30 seconds after 3 failed
Now let`s add the policies we created to our client factory
We already have registered the factory to the ExampleClient
class then all we have to do is add the policies to it, see below:
The Circuit Breaker and Back off patterns are excellent to
improve resilience and they work together, while Back off will retry a service call
a couple of times the other will prevent more calls for a certain period of
time after those retries to prevent problems like socket exhaustion.
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